I can’t even believe how fast the time goes by…. how much has changed in the last several months… it’s head spinning shit LOL
I have decided not to pursue being ordained within the Spiritualist Church. I have so many interests and belief systems that I don’t want to be boxed into one. As a member of the community and certified worker I can have more freedom with my work and beliefs but as the Pastor I’d be limited to representing myself aligned completely with the church beliefs. It just felt right for me to back off. I spend the summer torn up about it and trying to get Jason’s attention to explain to him where I was at… when I finally got it out my heart felt such relief. The words started flowing from me again and I felt more like myself and more creative than I have felt in years.
It really made me focus on the way life can change. How we can want one thing for ourselves… really want it and work towards completing that goal and then one day it can change… and that’s ok.
it’s ok to change my mind and want something different for myself.
it’s ok to change your mind and want something different for yourself.
I’ve spent the summer studying with Kyle Gray and being part of his Angel Tribe and also his Certified Angel Guide Course… and now I am certified in his Angel Card Mastery Program and also as a Certified Angel Guide… I’ve found these studies to be really fascinating …. I never opened the door to Angels before and I have to say what a blast… The reality of the help and support we have from those on the other side is astounding. I am beyond excited to be working with the Angels and be able to start offering these sessions to clients as I expand myself, my skills and services….
it’s been a whirlwind of a summer and fall and now we’re in 2019 and it’s not stopping…I’m a mixed up ball of excited and hesitant, motivated and paralyzed, happy and sad as I face the reality of life and death within my own family… My ex husband, my daughters father, is dying from pancreatic cancer and my time is consumed with making sure he is supported on his journey thru this disease. Helping him do what he believes is best for himself as we face the inevitable end of his days in physical form.
The lessons continue. The journey of discovering who I am and why I am here continues to evolve as my path leads places I’d have never imagined or dreamt of.
My life is beyond good. I am beyond blessed. I am grateful.
you just never know how life is going to change…
savor every moment…