Reverend Laura Dominick is an ordained minister and certified medium at the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism where she has been an active member for over 15 years. She works to assist the pastor in facilitating services as well as guiding meditations, being a channel for healing and serving as an inspired speaker and message minister from the platform.
Laura is a Reiki Master of Traditional Usui Reiki and also works with Lightarian Reiki. She has extensively studied muscle testing, behavioral kinesiology and the healing benefits of flower essences with Ginger Bisplinghoff for over 13 years and is certified to incorporate this knowledge into her healing sessions.
In 2024 Laura was inspired by Spirit to create an entire line of flower essences focused on mediumship development and grief recovery.
Laura is certified with Kyle Gray to work with Angel cards and Angel energy offering unique angel guide sessions that are loved by many.
Laura believes we should never stop learning and continues to study and take classes when the opportunity is right.
Laura is passionate about using her gifts to serve Spirit and bring healing and light to those grieving the loss of a loved one. She is an evidential medium bringing through details from Spirit such as significant names or dates as well as more personal memories and information to connect you to your loved one. She trusts Spirit 100% and they never let her down.
Laura is available for private or group mediumship readings or large group demonstrations. Readings and intuitive body wisdom, ALL one on one sessions are done via Zoom or over the phone. Groups of 2 or more can be in person at the loft in Danvers.
Laura is available to officiate weddings and other services. Email for details.
Laura Dominick
Photo by Verdi Studios; Hair by Michelle at Marilyn James; Make up by Sonnis Possibilities
“You just can’t fuck this shit up”