I love the snow...

First I have to say it’s kinda fun to blog when no one is looking at what I post LOL I can ramble on and not feel like I have expectations to meet :)

Next I want to say how much I love the snow. For most of my life when I say I love having a snow day someone would respond with “that’s because you don’t have to shovel it”.

Which I guess is some truth. I am very lucky to have not had to do much snow removal most of my life.

The fun thing is my amazing husband for the last 8 years has responded to my comments on loving the snow with big smiles and things like “I know you do baby and I’ll go clean up so you can get down the stairs safely”.

Today he’s out cleaning up the snow while I am getting ready to do my Spirit Message Sunday.

If you subscribe to my mailing list you get a message each Sunday that is downloaded from Spirit just for you. Sometimes it’s a message from a loved one, sometimes it’s a message from the Divine. I never know until I sit and open up to channel.

Today I felt like blogging first and saying I love the snow. And I am grateful for my amazing husband who is working so hard to shovel us out, with a smile <3

*I added this pic from 2017 and the sea smoke at sunrise


It's really hard...

I started doing a yoga class/online challenge thing for the new year… to move and stretch my body and see if I can help get more flexible and less pain. It was hard. It was hard. My knees don’t bend the way they are meant to and my hands and arms are weak from arthritis and it was hard. I did the class as best I could making tons of modifications and I will continue on this challenge I guess but I am not in it to hurt myself either. Having fibromyalgia and arthritis means I live with a lot of pain. Pain that kind of floats about my body. Some days I feel great and others something, or everything, can hurt. If I feel good and I over do it I could trigger a flare and end up in more pain than just sore muscles from doing something new. It’s tricky because when I feel good I want to do so many things and then if I over do it I risk not being able to do anything for a week. So this yoga practice will be a challenge, I will not try to do what I know my body can’t do. I will hopefully gain some flexibility and maybe get to sit cross legged on the floor with ease but I won’t push my knees to places they can’t go and I won’t judge myself for it. I had my first knee surgery at 11 years old, another at 13 and then crashed my motorcycle and damaged it even further at 34 years old so there are limitations to what they can do and I must respect that. I guess for me this whole challenge thing is to give my body some respect and so it makes sense that there are 2 sides to that. Work it out to help move and be more flexible and also not work it so hard that I hurt myself.

So here at sit at the beginning of a new year and new practice teetering on this line of “work out but not too hard…feel some muscles pain but not too much” the worst feeling for me “Stick with it but don’t if you can’t” it’s so ambiguous and non committal and yet honest and real. If I can’t and I don’t allow myself room for that then I will be so mad at myself for failing.

Does any of this make any sense at all?

2024 Here we come!!

2023 has been a lot more than we ever expected. I think it’s safe to say we are ready for 2024. Thankfully our 2023 exhaustion has been mostly of the joyful variety and so I realize we are blessed and also we are ready for some shifts as we eagerly await the completion of my daughters home so that she, her husband and their 3 small (3.5 years, 16 months and 3 weeks) children can go back to their own home and release their hold on my spaces. If you follow me at all you know that they have been with us since March and their house was supposed to be done August/September. We are now doing the 2 weeks dance…. every week we hear it’s about 2 weeks. We hope that with the holidays over it really happens now.

Thank you Angels for getting them home ASAP

I spent the last few months of 2023 upgrading my ability to make appointments and take payments with greater ease for all involved and now I am looking at updating my website with more current information and give it a boost with new photos maybe.

But first I will rest. It is a holiday and I just came over to make some changes I needed to make and then I am taking the day off to relax with my man. If we can find a place to do that without the chaos of toddlers I will be super happy LOL

Happy New Year. May 2024 bring you peace and comfort, healing and light.

Stay satisfied my friends..

Turks and Caicos March 2016

It's that time of year

November and December carry so much weight for so many. So many of us experience this season as light and dark, this time of joy and sadness it’s a crazy roller coaster of comfort foods, holiday music, celebrations, colorful lights and decorations and our hearts so full yet somehow manage to be both lifted and heavy simultaneously… oh the joy of the holiday season.

Expectations and potential. Hope for new beginnings, sorrow for lost loved ones. Anxiety and overwhelm are abundant and are never far during these weeks of the year.

And still it’s my favorite time of the year. The quiet of the dark and heavy skies in contrast with the chaos of the season and all it’s wonders makes it even more in my heart.

I love the feeling of settling in for the winter. I love the charge I find I receive with the extended darkness as our days find their shortest hours. For me the feeling of hunkering down and charging up can sometimes last almost until February before I start to get ancy for more, for the manifestation of the transitions that have occurred thru the winter dark hibernation.

As we approach the last of the year and the darkest of the days please remember you are not alone. The light will be returning to our days in just a few weeks to help lift your heart and remind you it is never gone for long. The light will always return.

Making changes that equal upgrades

Our home is still full of family and the last few weeks have been crazy with pre school germs. I am finally feeling closer to myself again and have invested in learning and pushing my website and business to the next level.

I am taking a great class with a fabulous mentor who is encouraging and informative and really helping to push me forward with some of my practices.

Honestly I am so proud of the way I have created every page and detail of this website. It has been no easy task as I am a medium and minister not a techy type person. But I have also been keenly aware that I need to upgrade some systems for the best possible experience for not only my clients but myself as well. So I have spent a few days now upgrading my scheduling abilities and even got into the 21st century by creating a linktree with all my pages in one place.

I am going to be making some big changes to my schedule in the new year and I am pretty excited about moving things forward and learning new systems.

I used to argue with Steve all the time because he wanted to teach me more about technology…web building and all the stuff he was into. But I didn’t want anything to do with it because… well frankly I was jealous that he was more into computers than he was into me. I remember him saying I had this great opportunity to learn so much because he knew so much and could teach me (humble as Steve could be) and he would get so mad when I said I didn’t want to learn and especially from him.

oh how I wish I could have him teach me now. and at the same time I am so proud of doing it myself so there’s that….

Life is good.

Just keep learning....

We’ve all been a bit under the haze of the preschool plague my granddaughter brought home with her. UGH!

I will be the first to admit I am terrible at being sick. I don’t like it and I might be a complainer. I already have enough to deal with physically so stuffy noses and coughs really make me whiney LOL

I am starting to feel human again and am pretty excited about a new class I have signed up to take. I think it’s so important to remain open to learning and discovering new skills and ways of working to serve Spirit and my clients. I love opening new doors and pathways.

Do you take classes still? Do you have subjects that you thirst to indulge in and learn about? I think it’s part of what keeps a mind sane to be honest… input input input. I’m always looking for more to keep my brain feeling full and expansive.

I never want to be closed off from learning, from expansion, from understanding and growth.

I’m excited to see how this new adventure will impact my work etc…

Thankfully I still have potatoes

Since 2020 I have had to have surgery twice to repair a hiatal hernia and even after the second surgery and the use of mesh it still popped up and is considered a moderate hernia. No one knows if it’s connected but I also have terrible bouts of nausea that come and go without warning.

This is part of my struggle to get back into the regular swing of things. It’s not usually gentle nausea, I get violently ill with very little notice. Thankfully I have meds that will stop it because it could damage my hernia further to wretch violently.

I have eliminated so much from my diet and changed so many habits and I am able to see some connections to meat and sugar. I think the hardest thing I have done is I gave up soda (which was really hard cause I love me some bubbles) … When I do break down and have soda (every month or so) I can feel it almost within 20 minutes and I feel horrible. I rarely eat meat, no chicken at all, after realizing it not only made me feel poorly but it also showed up on my Everlywell food sensitivity test. If I choose to have meat I look for top notch grass fed organic loved beef and I have very little and I still may end up sorry within a day or 2. I have a few lesser processed sugar treats I can indulge in but not too many and nothing chocolate…unless it’s high quality dark chocolate I get awful reflux and so sick the next day… so as I think you can imagine, that was a huge loss.

I woke up today and started as usual but within a few hours my head was spinning and my stomach was turning. I had to stop and lie down and eventually had to take zofran to stop it. It works. I am upright and even at my computer bitching about it.

Why today though? I know why, I knew it could happen and I still I couldn’t stop myself. I had a couple of marshmallows last night… I think I only ate 1 but I put 3 in the microwave for 30 seconds to make them all sticky and I ate them with a couple dark chocolate chips and a grahm cracker. Now, I know I can eat a couple dark chocolate chips once in a while and be ok, and the organic non GMO Krispy treats usually don’t bother me so I hoped the marshmallows wouldn’t. AND, I know if I ate just a graham cracker it wouldn’t bother me. So why not all of them? I didn’t have more than 1 marshmallow, 3 chocolate chips and half a cracker. WTF ….

If I am honest I knew it wasn’t going to work out well for me. I tried this once before a few months back and had too much (I ate all three marshmallows and therefore more chips and crackers) and was sick the next day. I thought if I had just a little this time it would be different. My husband even said “You’re going to regret it.” and I said “no no I will just have a little bit and it won’t hurt me.” duh!

What am I learning here? That I am bordering on the edges of crazytown because doing the same thing (almost) and expecting different results is… well CRAZY!!!

But more importantly,… NO SUGAR is better for my body. It sucks. I like candy.

Another revelation around food this week… strawberries make me sick! My body has declared strawberries unwelcome. I think that’s why my smoothies were no longer making my belly happy. The good part to that is I will make a smoothie this week without strawberries and with any luck my belly will say yes to it.

Thankfully potatoes remain my friend.

Everyday is something new. Gotta stay open to learning and changing… evolution.


You know how on your social media accounts (thanks for being “here” and not just there) you can click a button and see all the memories for that day. You get to look at your social media footprint for that day. Usually photos or memes expressing how you felt at the time. I recently had a date that I knew was a heavy day because I will always remember it as the day my friend was diagnosed with cancer. You may have read the post below, an excerpt from the book I am working on, about that day. But when I clicked on my memories for that day and I looked at all the memories from that date in my social media history, it felt as if they were almost all significant times of importance and powerful moments of my life. All the same date.

Then I thought back before social media and realized how many other significant events occurred on this particular date.

It got me thinking.

Why does that date hold a such an important vibration every year? I don’t think I have any answers but it made me start thinking.

A good friend of mine used to say every cell has memory and therefore certain times of year our bodies remember as one way or another. We were both adopted and our birthdays always had such weight around them and we found we worked hard to have a “Happy” birthday all our lives and one day she said it’s because every cell has memory and our bodies remember this time as traumatic.

I can feel this.

I don’t know how accurate it is but I can feel the potential in it’s possibility.

What do you think?