You know how on your social media accounts (thanks for being “here” and not just there) you can click a button and see all the memories for that day. You get to look at your social media footprint for that day. Usually photos or memes expressing how you felt at the time. I recently had a date that I knew was a heavy day because I will always remember it as the day my friend was diagnosed with cancer. You may have read the post below, an excerpt from the book I am working on, about that day. But when I clicked on my memories for that day and I looked at all the memories from that date in my social media history, it felt as if they were almost all significant times of importance and powerful moments of my life. All the same date.
Then I thought back before social media and realized how many other significant events occurred on this particular date.
It got me thinking.
Why does that date hold a such an important vibration every year? I don’t think I have any answers but it made me start thinking.
A good friend of mine used to say every cell has memory and therefore certain times of year our bodies remember as one way or another. We were both adopted and our birthdays always had such weight around them and we found we worked hard to have a “Happy” birthday all our lives and one day she said it’s because every cell has memory and our bodies remember this time as traumatic.
I can feel this.
I don’t know how accurate it is but I can feel the potential in it’s possibility.
What do you think?