Monday Meditation BEGINS March 3rd FOR 5 weeks

$55.00 investment

Monday night meditation is back. At least for the month of March. We will gather via zoom every Monday in March (5 weeks) at 6:30pm and I will guide you through a spirit inspired meditation always aligned with the energy of the group and always full of light and healing energy.
If this energy catches on I may start scheduling it for in person when the weather changes but keep the zoom option for those joining from outside the area. Click HERE to join us.

Practice circle for developing mediumship begins March 5th for 4 weeks

$111.00 investment

This will be an in person circle at the loft on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm for all of the month of March. This circle is for all levels of mediumship students who are searching for space to practice. You must have familiarity with how circles work. Feel free to contact me if you are unsure if this group is right for you.
Space will be limited so join early. Click HERE to join us

Inspired Sound experience ~ March 14th at the Loft

$44.00 per person

This meditation will be strictly sound. We will have a moment before the meditation to write things down and align with our highest self and declare our intentions. I will play the gongs and other sound tools as inspirationally guided. The gong energy, the healing sounds from the bowls and other tools coupled with your powerful intentions can create shifts and healing in most unexpected delightful ways. You can purchase tickets by clicking HERE

Munay-Ki rites gifting circle begins March 20th for 7 weeks

$111.00 investment

Thursdays 6:30pm
Munay-Ki ~ Ancient Sacred Rites of Healing and Initiation
Coming from the high Andes in Peru, these ancient rites meaning "love" and "power" help us to step into our truth and the fullness of who we are. They have been gifted to us in the West to help us heal and come back into right relationship with ourselves, each other and the Earth. Right Action. Right Love. Right Knowing.
These 9 rites are gifted over 7 weeks in a sacred ceremony. See for lots more information. Sign up to join us by clicking HERE

Evening with Spirit mediumship demonstration ~ March 21st ~ at the loft

$55.00 per oerson

We will gather at the loft in Danvers where I will work with Spirit to deliver messages to those in attendance. Gallery style mediumship experienced, mediumship in a group setting, is so fun and full of shared love and it is one of my favorite ways to serve Spirit. Although I cannot guarantee I will bring Spirit through to everyone in attendance, I can promise to connect with each person and offer a reading of some sort. Reserve your seat by clicking HERE

Healing is free

I will always add any names requested to the healing box at the loft. Just send an email with the names you’d like added, first name is all I need. You could even say will you send healing to my neighbor if you don’t know their name. Always for the highest and best for all involved and with light and love as the instigator.