Dandelion Puff
Dandelion Puff
Dandelion Puff (taraxacum seed) ~ 5/23/2024 ~ crafted with the full moon ~ When I got this essence bottled it immediately asked me to start using it. This essence will help expand your creative side and also keep you grounded as you grow. I felt it helped push my energy towards my desires while releasing any expectation of the outcome. Dandelion puff essence can help bring a sense of fun to whatever you spend your energy on. It has the ability to give everything you invest yourself in a sense of magic and potential. This essence will infuse a sense of hope and belief in your desires while assisting in letting go in order to allow manifestation to begin.
Although it doesn’t directly tie to mediumship and development I feel it will allow your belief in the magic of Spirit to grow and get your thinking mind out of the way so your connection to Spirit can evolve.
The lore of the dandelion puff to make wishes come true is no secret, and in essence form, it is still full of magic and potentiality. This essence muscle tested "no" the first time I made it and then I made it again with the full moon and it was a solid YES. I feel this is because of its strong ability to help us let things go, especially expectations.